
The progress of art, science and technique is achieved through the addition of ideas and experiments to each other. Modern Mathematics is an axiomatic method that identifies and develops ways of solving any problem. It applies these ideas to concrete thought. In this way, mathematics is a gateway for learning other sciences. The sharpness of its foundation, the consistency of its way of thinking, the validity of its proofs and the fact that mathematics is the basis for other sciences represent its universality.

Learning mathematics is a duty to ensure development. Thus, to be able to make correct judgments, to learn and apply scientific ways of thinking, to adopt the principle of positive thinking, to develop solution methods to the problems encountered by evaluating the data, theory and basic notations obtained by scientific methods, to solve, to evaluate the results and to apply them when necessary, to conduct original research and independent publication, to evaluate the results by considering the quality processes in the field and to apply problem solving skills in interdisciplinary studies, To be able to systematically transfer current developments and studies in the field to groups in and out of the field in written, oral and visual form, to be able to access information and to search for resources for this purpose, to be able to use databases and other sources of information, to fulfill the requirements of ethical responsibilities in working life can be counted as the basic achievements of mathematics.

The main goal of computer science is to help the development of new software methods, algorithms and hardware by minimizing the complexity of computers and computer software. Within the framework of lifelong learning, it is also a fundamental goal to use the strong theories and experiences from the past within computer science to find solutions to the problems of the age. In addition, another goal of the discipline is to help the values of the country by using mathematics and computer together, which are two of the eight main competencies of the Bologna process.

Developing algorithmic thinking, orienting towards research and analysis, using computer technologies in the interests of the country such as problem determination, needs analysis, social, cultural and security, and training IT specialists who can think and analyze and bring solutions to the problems they face are among the goals of the computer science discipline.