Internship is compulsory for students who entered in 2012-2013 academic year and later. Other students can do optional internship.
In accordance with Article 5/b of the Social Security and General Health Insurance Law (Sosyal Sigortalar ve Genel Sağlık Sigortası Kanunu) No. 5510, our students who are subjected to compulsory internship are required to have “Work Accident and Occupational Disease Insurance”.
Insurance transactions of students doing compulsory internship are carried out by Eskişehir Osmangazi University. Insurance transactions of students doing optional internship will be made by the institution / company where the internship is done.
To reinforce the theoretical knowledge gained by the students during their education with practice, to develop professional observations within the framework of detecting - identifying - solving problems, as well as individual working skills, establishing and maintaining social relationships and lifelong learning awareness.
Places to do internship:
The responsibility of finding an internship place belongs entirely to the student. However, announcements such as internship quotas etc. coming from institutions and reserved for department students are announced to the students by the secretariat.
Students can do internship in public or private sector enterprises in Turkey or abroad, which are deemed appropriate by the Internship Commission.
No student can do an internship in a company he/she finds on his/her own initiative without the approval of the Internship Commission.
Conditions to be met by public or private institutions/organizations for internship:
i. The institution to be interned should be various public and private organizations, banks, universities, companies producing and marketing computer hardware, operating in the fields of administration, education, industry, trade and service.
ii. The institution should be carrying out activities that allow the student to gain practical working skills, such as computer network, network security, system analysis, system programming, system design, database creation and management, smart systems development, etc.
iii. The internship organization must undertake to employ the interns effectively.
Start and Duration of the Internship:
The compulsory internship period is 30 working days. Students can start their internship at the end of their second year.
One week is 5 working days. If documented by the workplace, Saturdays and Sundays are also accepted as working days.
Internships can be done in the summer or between the Fall and Spring semesters (February break).
Internship Exemption Request:
Students who come to the department through horizontal or vertical transfer can request exemption to the department internship commission, provided that they document the internships they have done in their place of origin. The commission evaluates the internships and may accept the previous internship (maximum 15 days). For this, students can apply to the head of the department with a petition until the end of the first month of the first semester of their final enrollment at the university.
i. The student will fill in the identity information on Form-1 and the information of the institution where the internship will be done with the signature of the Dean of the Faculty of Science and Literature. The signature of the institution can be obtained until the document submission date (iii).
ii. By filling out Form-2, an application is made to the head of the departmental internship commission together with Form-1, and the approval of the commission is requested for the company where the internship will be carried out.
iii. Along with 1 photocopy of the identity card, the fully completed Form-1, Form-2, Letter of Commitment and the Certificate of Eligibility (Müstehaklık Belgesi) to be obtained from the “e-devlet” must be submitted to the department at least 15 days before the internship start date. Since the insurance transactions of the students doing voluntary internship will be made by the internship institution, there is no need to submit it to the department.
iv. Form-3 must be filled out by the workplace that accepts to pay the student.
v. An Internship Fee Refusal Information Form must be filled out.
Preparation and Approval of Internship Book:
The “Internship Notebook”, which must be prepared by the internship students, can be obtained in printed form from the department secretariat or downloaded in pdf form from here.
The internship notebook must be filled in and signed for each working day. In the conclusion section, the knowledge and skills acquired during the internship and the work done should be summarized and opinions and thoughts should be written.
Work to be done during the internship:
i. Obtaining information about the institution: Learning the subjects of the institution's activities, organizational structure and parts, and duties.
ii. Monitoring, examining and learning the work carried out by the institution,
iii. The devices, information systems, network infrastructures, database structure, etc. used in the organization should be introduced and the work in which they are used should be examined.
Submission and Evaluation of Internship Notebook and Evaluation Reports:
At the end of the internship, the internship evaluation report, which is filled in and signed by the internship institution, will be given to the student in a sealed envelope by the institution.
Within 2 weeks after the start of the fall and spring semesters, the internship notebook and the internship evaluation report in a sealed envelope must be submitted to the department secretary.
The internship book and report are evaluated by the internship commission. In this evaluation;
1) Evaluation of the scope of the internship,
2) Technical information about the internship organization and the adequacy of the introduction of the internship place,
3) The appropriateness of the way the work and observations are transferred to the internship notebook,
4) Evaluation of whether the internship notebook is filled in appropriately,
5) Whether the statements made in the internship notebook are written as a result of observations,
6) The evaluation criteria of the internship book, the internship place and the work done according to the projects and local government rules are taken into consideration.
As a result of the examination of the internship book and evaluation report, a presentation may be requested if necessary. An “Internship Commission Internship Interview and Evaluation Form” is created for each student, taking into account the evaluation criteria given in the internship evaluation report completed by the internship institution. For students whose internship success evaluation is insufficient, the number of days of internship is reduced and the number of accepted days is determined and this situation is notified to the student.